Wednesday, February 22, 2012

M&M Cookie Pie...Wait, Don't Forget the Peanut Butter

I have been going through this peanut butter phase. Peanut Butter cookies (they were REALLY good), Peanut Butter dip, and it seems like there was something else, but I forget.:) But now, a Peanut Butter M&M Cookie Pie. I soooo cannot wait to taste it.
I know several people who just love anything peanut butter, oh wait...I remember the other thing now- Peanut Butter cupcakes (I was told they were really good, too). Anyways, so I have no problem getting rid of these things when I make them. Because, trust me, I do have to get rid of them before I eat them all.
I originally found this recipe via Pinterest. It's original location is:
Since it is still in the oven as I write this, I have no earthly clue as to whether it tastes good or not. But, honestly, can you go wrong with this combination? I could be wrong, but I think not. I also made my own pie dough, which at one point in my life, I had said I would never do again. But, ya know what they say- never say never.
I used the recipe my mom has used for years. The recipe, as is, can probably make at least three pie crusts, so I halved it. That being said, it also freezes well.

This is the recipe.

4 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup margarine
1 egg
1 teaspoon vinegar

Mix flour and salt. Cut margarine into flour with pastry blender till very fine (mine wasn't really all that fine). Mix enough water into egg to make 3/4 cup. Add vinegar. Add liquid to flour mix. Mix thoroughly.

This is the cookie recipe:
One 9-inch pie crust
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup AP flour
3 tablespoons peanut butter
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 large eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup peanut butter M&M's (I used PEANUT M&Ms as I did not have peanut butter ones)
2/3 chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350. Roll out pie crust and put in greased pie pan. Crimp edge, if desired.In a medium bowl, combine sugar, flour, peanut butter, and butter, mixing well. Add eggs, vanilla, Peanut Butter M&M’s, and chocolate morsels. Transfer filling to prepared pie crust. Bake until firm in the middle, approximately 45 minutes.
NOTE: do not try judging its doneness by sticking something in the center. Only judge it by the firmness of the center.:)
PS. It was a hit!!!

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