Friday, May 14, 2010

Bitten by the Bug

And so, the proverbial blogging bug has bitten me... I have thought about writing a blog for some time and have finally taken the step from thinking to doing. I love to write, I don't always make much sense, but I enjoy doing it and thought that I'd do this blog on something that I've been doing quite a bit of lately... you got it, cooking/baking. I'm sure that you had no idea that that was what was coming:), there are a lot of culinary blogs out, most of which are much more interesting than mine. I am going to be writing my posts from my personal experience... as I am in the kitchen not necessarily out of pure love and enjoyment, but out of necessity. If I don't cook, truth is, I don't eat... well, at least I don't eat healthy. I am the only one who cooks in my house... except for the occasional chip-in from one of my sisters... But yeah, I am the Chef in my house:) And with that, I will share my first recipe with you... one of my all-time faves... Enjoy!!

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