Thursday, January 27, 2011

My First Attempt at Crepes... and it went well!!!

After searching long and hard on the internet for a crepe recipe that appealed to me, I finally decided on the following link: I had never made crepes before and at first found the thought a bit intimidating, but the more I looked at recipes, the easier the whole thing sounded. So, I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and make them... it went well, just ask my waistline.


1 cup cold milk

1 cup cold water

4 eggs

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups flours

4 tbsp melted butter

The writer of the above blog said that he always uses Julia Childs' crepes recipe and as he was telling, saying, writing, whatever you call it, about this fact, he stated that she always put the ingredients in the blender. His way of doing it, however, was to simply whisk all the ingredients together. I found out that I much preferred Julia Childs' way of doing things. I started out just whisking the things together, and that went well up until the point I put in the flour. The batter got lumpy and I knew that wasn't right, as the recipe stated it was to be a thin batter. I double-checked to make sure I hadn't made a mistake and put the flour in too fast, but no, the recipe said nothing about that. So, I decided to do what the well-known cook used to do- blend it. And that worked well. Very well.

After the batter is ready, it needs to be refrigerated. Some recipes said one hour, this one said at least two hours. I just let it sit for two hours as I was busy anyway.

Right before taking out the batter, I got out a small, non-stick frying pan that I put a light coating of butter on. I then let it sit on medium heat for a few seconds before putting batter in it. I used a 1/2 cup as my pourer. This particular recipe recommends a 2/3 or 3/4 cup, but I thought I had seen something in others about even as small as 1/4 cup. I am glad I did, as it was, the recipe didn't make as many as I expected.

So, you pour the batter in. Next you wait at least a minute if not closer to two minutes to let it cook the first side. Don't be afraid of the first side burning, it has to cook just a little bit longer then the second side. Then you test whether it's ready or not by gently lifting the edge of the crepe with a spatula... I REPEAT, a spatula. I used a fork for the first one--- BIG mistake. Crepes are too thin to be poked by tines. But if the crepe lifts easily it is most likely ready to be flipped. The second side only has to cook for about a minute.

Some of the recipes suggest you put the filling on when the second side is cooking. That is what I did for the ones I made and I think that it is a great idea as it softens up the filling quite nicely.

Here are some filling ideas-

Nutella... no hassle, no fuss

Plain cream cheese filling... this link is the recipe I used-, it was yummy.

Cream cheese with cocoa... I wanted to spice up the above cream cheese filling so I added some cocoa mixed with sugar into it... that was also PPPRREETTYY yummy!!

Enjoy... I did!!:-)

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