Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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My mom bakes a lot. And when I was still at home, she baked a lot, and I, as a homeschooled child, baking was part of my education:). I am grateful for this though and this recipe is one I remember as always being yummy, well except for the first time I made it but that was my fault. Anyways, I was stuck at home one day last week and thought that would be a good day to make some good, old-fashioned, homemade yeast bread. Maple Oat Bread is a Taste of Home recipe and you can find it at the following link: My mom always makes it with regular old pancake syrup rather than maple and it tastes delish.

Maple Oat Bread:

1 cup old-fashioned oats

1 cup boiling water

1 package (1/4 oz.) dry yeast

1/3 cup warm water

1/2 cup "regular old pancake syrup"

2 teaspoons canola oil

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

31/2 -4 cups flour


1 egg white, lightly beaten

2 tablespoons, old-fashioned oats

Place oats in a blender or food processor (I used a blender), cover and process oats for 6-7 seconds or until coarsely chopped. Transfer to a small bowl; let stand until mixture is cooled to 110*-115*. In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in a 1/3 cup warm water; add syrup, oil, salt, oat mixture and 2 cups flour; beat until smooth. Stir in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough.

Turn on to a lightly floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-8 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to greased top. Cover, and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour. Mine didn't rise as high as I would've liked and I think that that has something to do with the fact it wasn't very warm in my kitchen at the time.

Punch dough down. Turn onto a lightly floured surface. Shape into a 9-in. round loaf. Place in a 9-in. round baking dish. Cover and let rise until doubled, about 45 minutes.

Brush with egg whites and sprinkle with oats. Bake at 350* for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan to a wire rack to cool.

This is a really yummy recipe. I have never had it with maple syrup before, but I bet that would taste really good.


  • Make sure it is rising in a warm place.
  • Make sure the liquids are not too hot or too cold when combining them with the other ingredients.

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